Dopo aver iniziato questa serie di interviste sul rivoluzionarismo conservatore, mi sono reso conto che non conosciamo gli intellettuali ...
Category English/ Other Languages
Abdassamed Clarke: Sejarah Barat adalah perjalanannya menuju Islam, yang telah dua kali digagalkan: pertama oleh Gereja yang mendistorsi ajarannya dan kemudian oleh kekuatan kapitalis yang salah menggambarkan Islam
Saudara-saudari Muslim kita di Barat telah lama menjadi sumber harapan dan perenungan bagi kita. Mengamati mereka dari jauh, terkadang kita ...
Abdassamed Clarke: The history of the West is its journey towards Islam, which has been thwarted twice: first by the Church distorting its teachings and then by capitalist forces misrepresenting İslam
Our Muslim brothers and sisters in the West have long been a source of both hope and contemplation for us. Observing them from afar, we have been ...
Vadim Sidorov: European Muslims not to be afraid of being themselves and building their identity
I first heard about Harun (Vadim) Sidirov through the website I had only read a few sentences about him. After I ...
Д-р Али Аззали: Образование никогда не является нейтральным процессом
Приветствую вас, доктор Али Аззали. Как поживаете? Спасибо, что согласились на наше интервью. Давайте начнем с того, что узнаем вас поближе? ...
The Concept of the Worker in the Works of Ernst and Friedrich Georg Jünger
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى ءاله وصحبه أجمعين وسلّم “…Alien to the old languages, to the Greek mythos, to the ...
Vedat Ozan : We are tired of visual messages, we are trying to express ourselves with a different sense
As people’s habits and lifestyles change, odours also change. It is possible to trace the dynamics of these changes through odour. In ...
Nasrin Dastan: Iranians combined the Chinese style of painting with their own artistic vision
How did Chinese painting influence miniature art? While researching the theoretical roots of Chinese painting, I came across Nasrin ...
– Τι γνώμη έχετε για την έννοια της “Συντηρητικής Επανάστασης”; Τι σημαίνει Συντηρητική Επανάσταση σήμερα; Ως Γάλλος ...
Transfer of Power-II
There are two ways of transferring both worldly and spiritual power. The first is to biological relatives and the second to non-biological ...