Troy Southgate is one of the most interesting interviewees I have ever interviewed. I believe that his syntheses as an intellectual musician will ...
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Khushboo Jain: Instead of limiting creativity, in miniature art constraints lay the groundwork for rich artistic exploration, resulting in multifaceted engagement with culture, symbolism, and personal expression
I have long been interested in the art of miniature, both theoretically and practically, both in the context of the Turkish painting tradition ...
Giovanni Sessa: Wagner mirò a unire arte e vita, cercando di ricongiungere, con un’arte rivoluzionaria, ciò che il soggettivismo moderno aveva separato
Richard Wagner non era solo un compositore, ma anche un filosofo e un rivoluzionario con profonde riflessioni sull’arte, la religione e la ...
Giovanni Gessa: Wagner aimed to unify art and life through a revolutionary art that mended the divisions caused by modern subjectivism
Richard Wagner was not only a composer, but also a philosopher and revolutionary with deep thoughts on art, religion and culture. By combining ...
Giovanni Sessa: Wagner pretendía unir arte y vida, intentando reunir, con un arte revolucionario, lo que el subjetivismo moderno había separado
Richard Wagner no fue sólo un compositor, sino también un filósofo y revolucionario con profundas reflexiones sobre el arte, la religión y la ...
Franco Milenasi: Conservative Revolution is based on revolution against capital and the bourgeois human form; preservation and reactivation of national tradition and the communal roots of humanity
We had a great introductory interview with Franco Milanesi on political philosophy, history, and especially the ideas of Ernst Niekisch. We ...
Franco Milanesi : La révolution conservatrice est basée sur la révolution contre le capitalisme et contre la “forme bourgeoise” et pour les racines communautaires et humaines de la tradition nationale
Nous avons eu un bel entretien introductif avec Franco Milanesi sur la philosophie politique, la biographie et surtout les idées d’Ernst ...
Franco Milanesi: Die konservative Revolution basiert auf einer Revolution gegen den Kapitalismus und gegen die bürgerliche Form des Menschen und für die gemeinschaftlichen Wurzeln der nationalen Tradition und des Menschen
Wir hatten ein schönes Einführungsgespräch mit Franco Milanesi über die politische Philosophie, die Geschichte und insbesondere die Ideen von ...
Franco Milanesi: De conservatieve revolutie is gebaseerd op de revolutie tegen het kapitalisme en de burgerlijke mensvorm en op de communitaire wortels van de nationale traditie en de mensheid
We hadden een leuk inleidend interview met Franco Milanesi over de politieke filosofie, geschiedenis en vooral de ideeën van Ernst Niekisch. We ...
Franco Milanesi: La rivoluzione conservatrice si basa sulla rivoluzione contro il capitalismo e la forma umana borghese e sulle radici comunitarie della tradizione nazionale e dell’uomo
Abbiamo avuto una bella intervista introduttiva con Franco Milanesi sulla filosofia politica, la storia e soprattutto le idee di Ernst Niekisch. ...