Изучая мусульманские народные эфемеры, я наткнулся на татарские шамаили. Красочные рисунки и использованные темы привлекли мое внимание. Я был ...
Category English/ Other Languages
Актаенон Пресс: Эрнст Юнгер станет частью канона, показывающего образ двадцатого века-I
Второе интервью, посвященное концепции консервативной революции, продолжает Эрнст Юнгер. Юнгер – одна из ведущих фигур консервативной ...
Marco Malaguti: La crisi del progresso è anche il tramonto dell’adolescenza spirituale dell’Occidente
Continuiamo la nostra serie di interviste sulla rivoluzione conservatrice con Marco Malaguti dall’Italia. Malaguti lavora come ricercatore ...
Marco Malaguti: The crisis of progress is also the sunset of the West’s spiritual adolescence
We continue our interview series on the conservative revolution with Marco Malaguti from Italy. Malaguti works as a researcher at the Machiavelli ...
Bülent Tokgöz: Being pro-Iran in Turkey is a highly profitable line of work
I got to know Bülent Tokgöz through his book Cihadın Mahrem Hikayesi (The Confidential Story of Jihad). What makes the book unique is that it ...
Actaeon Press: It would be essential to reintroduce a theological concept of man if there is to be anything like the Conservative Revolution today-II
The second part of our interview with Actaeon Press (Micheal Halfpenny) on Jünger. It will be eye-opening for those who want to get an idea of ...
Khadim Ali: I live in realms where our historical stories are not in their language
Khadim Ali is one of the artists whose work I follow with curiosity and interest. We had the chance to do this short interview amidst his busy ...
Actaeon Press: Ernst Jünger will become part of the canon an image of the twentieth century in the same sense as the old Roman histories-I
The second of our interviews on the concept of conservative revolution continues with Ernst Jünger. Jünger is one of the leading figures of the ...
John Muaz Kingerlee: I always hope that my paintings will stand up for me on the yavmiddin
I first saw the name John Muaz Kingerlee in an article about Abdalqadir Sufi. I learned that he was a world-renowned painter who created many ...